Approximately 35 nominal hours of delivery should be allocated to this unit (about 12 x 3 hour lessons). Below is just one strategy for making this an engaging & fun unit. Students & Teachers may have alternative ways of showing equal competency.
Week 1
- Complete the Worksheet 1 'Basics of Sound'.
Week 2
- Use a sound meter to measure a range of sounds & complete Worksheet 2 'OHS issues'.
Week 3
Research the range of microphone types & patterns encompassing:
- shotgun
- dynamic
- condenser
- portable digital recorders (Zoom, mp3 etc)
- lapel/headphone
- omni
- uni
- bi-directional
- cardoid
- Complete Worksheet 3: testing different microphone types
Week 4
- Research some audio interface hardware used to input sound to computers
- Complete Worksheet 4 on using a portable recorder & digital sound quality
Week 5 - 9
Use a variety of microphones to capture a range of different sound sources (at least 10):
- voice recordings using
- instrument/band recordings
- sounds of nature
- found object recordings
- Edit sound files
Week 10
- Output Wav files & burn CD for back up
- Complete online test.